Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Edward Hopper Les Pont Royal

the giant growled, and turned around, an arm like a couple of broom handles strung together with elastic and covered with red fur unfolded itself in a complicated motion and smacked him across the jaw so hard that he rose several inches in the air and landed on a table.
By the ?' said Tomjon, grinning.
'It's going to be bloody murder in a minute, my lad!'
Tomjon nodded, and crawled back out into the fray. Hwel heard him thump on the bar counter with something and call for silence.
Hwel put his arms over his head in panic.time that the table had slid into another table and overturned a couple of benches there was enough impetus to start the night's overdue brawl, especially since the big man had a few friends with him. Since no-one felt like attacking the ape, who had dreamily pulled a bottle from the shelf and smashed the bottom off on the counter, they hit whoever happened to be nearest, on general principles. This is absolutely correct etiquette for a tavern brawl.Hwel walked under a table and dragged Tomjon, who was watching all this with interest, after him.'So this is roistering. I always wondered.''I think perhaps it would be a good idea to leave,' said the dwarf firmly. 'Before there's, you know, any trouble.'There was a thump as someone landed on the table above them, and a tinkle of broken glass.'Is it real roistering, do you suppose, or merely rollicking

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