Friday, March 27, 2009

Henri Matisse Still Life with Oranges

even people like Cohen the Barbarian get up in the morning thinking, "Oh, no, not another day of crushing the jewelled thrones of the world beneath my sandalled feet."‘
‘Is that what he does?’ said Ginger, interested despite herself.
‘According to the stories, yes.’
‘Why?’ of this. ‘You decided you wanted to be someone?’
‘Don’t be silly. That’s when I decided I was going to be a lot more than just someone.’
She threw the shells towards the sunset and laughed. ‘I’m going to be the most famous person in the world, everyone will fall in love with me, and I shall live forever.’ ‘Search me. It’s just a job, I guess.’ Ginger picked up a handful of sand. There were tiny white shells in it, which stayed behind as it trickled away between her fingers. ‘I remember when the circus came to our village,’ she said. ‘I was ten. There was this girl with spangled tights. She walked a tightrope. She could even do somersaults on it. Everybody cheered and clapped. They wouldn’t let me climb a tree, but they cheered her. That’s when I decided.’ ‘Ah,’ said Victor, trying to keep up with the psychology

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