Monday, October 29, 2007

Spring Breeze

Spring Breeze
Sweet Nothings
The Abduction of Psyche
The British Are Coming
He stared intensely at his friend. "Luke, I'm not going to wait for the Empire toconscript me into its service. In spite of what you hear over the official informationchannels, the rebellion is growing, spreading. And I want to be on the right side—the side I believe in." His voice altered unpleasantly, and Luke wondered what hesaw in his mind's eye. "You should have heard some of the stories I've heard, Luke, learned of some ofthe outrages I've learned about. The Empire may have been great and beautiful once,but the people in charge now—" He shook his head sharply. "It's rotten, Luke,rotten." "And I can't do a damn thing," Luke muttered morosely. "I'm stuck here."He kicked futilely at the ever-present sand of Anchorhead. "I though you were going to enter the Academy soon," Biggs observed. "Ifthat's so, then you'll have your chance to get off this sandpile." Luke snorted derisively. "Not likely. I had to withdraw my application." Helooked away, unable to meet his friend's disbelieving stare. "I had to. There's beena lot of unrest among the sandpeople since you left, Biggs. They've even raided theoutskirts of Anchorhead." Biggs shook his head, disregarding the excuse. "Your uncle could hold off awhole colony of raiders with one blaster." "From the house, sure," Luke agreed, "but Uncle Owen's finally got enoughvaporators installed and running to make the farm pay off big. But he can't guard allthat land by himself, and he says he needs me for one more season. I can't run outon him now."


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Spring Breeze

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Spring Breeze"
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Spring Breeze"
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