Friday, October 26, 2007

The Virgin and Child with St Anne

3 Kill'd at our first Shot from the Tree. 2 Kill'd at the next Shot. 2 Kill'd by Friday in the Boat. 2 Kill'd by Ditto, of those at first wounded. 1 Kill'd by Ditto, in the Wood. 3 Kill'd by the Spaniard. 4 Kill'd, being found dropp'd here and there of their Wounds, or kill'd by Friday in his Chase of them. 4 Escap'd in the Boat, whereof one wounded if not dead.
21 In all.
Those that were in the Canoe, work'd hard to get out of Gun-Shot; and though Friday made two or three Shot at them, I did not find that he hit any of them: Friday would fain have had me took one of their Canoes, and pursu'd them; and indeed I was very anxious about their Escape, least carrying the News home to their People, they should come back perhaps with two or three hundred of their Canoes, and devour us by meer Multitude; so I consented to pursue them by Sea, and running to one of their Canoes, I jump'd in, and bad Friday follow me; but when 1 was in the Canoe, I was surpriz'd to find another poor Creature lye there alive, bound Hand and Foot, as the Spaniard was, for the Slaughter, and almost dead with Fear, not knowing what the Matter was; for he had not been able to look up over the Side of the Boat, he was ty'd so hard, Neck and Heels, and had been ty'd so long, that he had really but little Life in him.
I immediately cut the twisted Flags, or Rushes, which they had bound him with, and would have helped him up; but he could not stand, or speak, but groan'd most piteously, believing it seems still that he was only unbound in order to be kill'd.


Anonymous said...

The Virgin and Child with St Anne"

Anonymous said...

The Virgin and Child with St Anne"