Friday, November 16, 2007

art painting reproduction

On the evening of 19th November CanonPennyfather had finished an early dinner at the Athenaeum, he had nodded to one or twofriends, had had a pleasant acrimonious discussion on some crucial points of the dating ofthe Dead Sea scrolls and now, glancing at his watch, saw that it was time to leave tocatch his plane to Lucerne. As he passed through the hall he was greeted by one morefriend: Dr. Whittaker, of the S.O.A.S. who said cheerfully:
  "How are you, Pennyfather? Haven't see you for a long time. How did you get on at the Congress? Any points ofinterest come up?"
  "I am sure there will be."
  "Just come back from it, haven't you?"
  "No, no, I am on my way there. I'm catching a plane this evening."
  "Oh I see." Whittakerlooked slightly puzzled. "Somehow or other I thought theCongress was today."


Anonymous said...

art painting reproduction"

Anonymous said...

art painting reproduction"

Anonymous said...

"art painting reproduction"