Friday, November 9, 2007

Boulevard des Capucines

Still clutching the lamp to his breast, the creature stepped backward,inadvertently bumping into Artoo-Detoo. Not remembering that the robot was at allanimate, the being stood next to it as Luke approached. "I don't want your help," Luke said indignantly. "I want my lamp back. I'llneed it in this slimy mudhole." Luke instantly realized he had issued an insult. "Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is!" As they argued, Artoo slowly reached out a mechanical arm. Suddenly hisappendage grabbed the pilfered lamp and immediately the two little figures wereengaged in a tug-of-war over the stolen prize. As they spun about in battle, Artoobeeped a few electronic, "give me that's" "Mine, mine. Give it back," the creature cried. Abruptly, though, he seemedto give up the bizarre struggle and lightly poked the droid with one bluish finger. Artoo emitted a loud, startled squeal and immediately released the power lamp. The victor grinned at the glowing object in his tiny hands, gleefully repeating,"Mine, mine."


Anonymous said...

Boulevard des Capucines"

Anonymous said...

Boulevard des Capucines"

Anonymous said...

Boulevard des Capucines"

Anonymous said...

"Evening Mood painting"