Sunday, November 4, 2007

The British Are Coming

Clicking off his comlink, Luke turned his attention to his Tauntaun. Thereptilian creature was pacing, shifting its weight from one foot to the other. It gaveout a deep-throated roar that seemed to signal fear. "Whoa, girl!" he said, patting the Tauntaun's head. "What's the matter…yousmell something? There's nothing out there." But Luke, too, was beginning to feel uneasy, for the first time since he had setout from the hidden Rebel base. If he knew anything about these snow-lizards, itwas that their senses were keen. Without question the animal was trying to tell Lukethat something, some danger, was near. Not wasting a moment, Luke removed a small object from his utility belt andadjusted its miniature controls. The device was sensitive enough to zero in on eventhe most minute life readings by detecting body temperature and internal life systems.But as Luke began to scan the readings, he realized there was no need—or time—tocontinue.


Anonymous said...

"The British Are Coming"

Anonymous said...

The British Are Coming"

Anonymous said...

The British Are Coming"

Anonymous said...

"The British Are Coming"