Friday, November 16, 2007

famous landscape painting

impressionist landscape painting Then that means – thatmeans – dear me, it means the Congress at Lucerne had takenplace today."
  He stared in deep dismay across the counter; butthere were many others travelling; the Canon and his perplexities were elbowed aside. Hestood sadly, holding the useless ticket in his hand. His mind ranged over variouspossibilities. Perhaps his ticket could be changed? But that would be no use – no indeed – what time was it now? Going on for 9o'clock? The conference had actually taken place; starting at10 o'clock this morning. Of course, that was what Whittakerhad meant at the Athenaeum. He thought Canon Pennyfather had already been to the Congress.
  "Oh dear, oh dear," saidCanon Pennyfather, to himself. "What a muddle I have made ofit all!" He wandered sadly and silently into the CromwellRoad, not at its best a very cheerful place.


Anonymous said...

famous landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

famous landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

"famous landscape painting"