Sunday, November 18, 2007

famous landscape painting

"Canon Pennyfather."
  "Oh. What about him? Saw him the other day. He wasstaying here."
  "There was an address he was going to give me.Said he'd leave it with you."
  This was rather more difficult to get over but hesucceeded in the end.
  "Never gave me any address. Must have mixed me upwith somebody else. Muddle-headed old fool. Always was. Scholarly sort of chap, you know.They're always absent-minded."
  Father persevered for a little longer but soondecided that conversation with General Radley was practically impossible and almostcertainly unprofitable. He went and sat down in the lounge at a table adjacent to that ofMiss Jane Marple.
  "Tea, sir?"


Anonymous said...

famous landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

famous landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

"famous landscape painting"