Friday, November 16, 2007

flower impact painting

The offices of Egerton, Forbes & Wilborough werein Bloomsbury, in one of those imposing and dignified squares which have as yet not feltthe wind of change. Their brass plate was suitably worn down to illegibility. The firm hadbeen going for over a hundred years and a good proportion of the landed gentry of Englandwere their clients. There was no Forbes in the firm any more and no Wilboroughs. Insteadthere were Atkinsons, father and son, and a Welsh Lloyd and a Scottish McAllister. Therewas, however, still an Egerton, descendant of the original Egerton. This particularEgerton was a man of fifty-two and he was adviser to several families which had in theirday been advised by his grandfather, his uncle, and his father.At this moment he was sitting behind a largemahogany desk in his handsome room on the first floor, speaking kindly but firmly to adejected looking client. Richard Egerton was a handsome man, tall, dark with a touch ofgrey at the temples and very shrewd grey eyes. His advice was always good advice, but heseldom minced his words.


Anonymous said...

flower impact painting"

Anonymous said...

flower impact painting"

Anonymous said...

"flower impact painting"