Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Greek Beauty

"I'm so sorry. Inearly ran into you." She had a warm friendly voice. "I just remembered I'd forgotten something –which sounds nonsense but isn't really."
  "Second floor?" saidthe operator. Miss Marple smiled and nodded in acknowledgment of the apology, got out andwalked slowly along her room, pleasurably turning over sundry little unimportant problemsin her mind as was so often her custom.
  For instance what lady Sedgwick had said wasn't true. She had only just gone up to her room, and it must have been thenthat she "remembered she had forgotten something" (if there had been any truth in that statement at all) and had come down tofind it. Or had she perhaps come down to meet someone or look for someone? But if so, whatshe had seen as the lift door opened had startled and upset her, and she had immediatelyswung round into the lift again and gone up so as not to meet whoever it was she had seen.


Anonymous said...

A Greek Beauty"

Anonymous said...

A Greek Beauty"

Anonymous said...

A Greek Beauty"

Anonymous said...

"A Greek Beauty"