Sunday, November 18, 2007

Head of Christ

"For one thing, he runs a Mercedes-Otto car.Racing model. A car answering to that description was seen near Bedhampton on the morningof the mail robbery. Different number plates – but we're used to that. And it's the same stunt –unlike, but not too unlike. FAN 2299 instead of 2266. There aren't so many Mercedes-Otto models of that type about. Lady Sedgwick has one andyoung Lord Merrivale."
  "You don't thinkMalinowski runs the show?"
  "No – I think thereare better brains than his at the top. But he's in it. I've looked back over the files. Take the hold-up at the Midland and WestLondon. Three vans happened – just happened – to block a certain street. A Mercedes-Otto that was on the scene got clearaway owing to that block."
  "It was stopped later."


Anonymous said...

Head of Christ"

Anonymous said...

Head of Christ"

Anonymous said...

"Head of Christ"