Friday, November 16, 2007

lotus flower painting

Twelve thousand!" Theunfortunate Freddie was aghast. "Oh, I say! I haven't got it, Richard."
  "Well, you'll have toraise it then. There are always ways and means. If she'llfight the case it'll cost you a lot more."
  "You lawyers!" saidFreddie. "Sharks, all of you!"
  He rose to his feet. "Well,"he said, "do your bloody best for me,Richard old boy."
  He took his departure, shaking his head sadly.Richard Egerton put Freddie and his affairs out of his mind, and thought about his nextclient. He said softly to himself, "The Honourable ElviraBlake. I wonder what she's like…” He lifted his receiver. "Lord Frederick's gone. Send up Miss Blake, will you."The door opened, the clerk announced Miss ElviraBlake and the girl walked into the room. Egerton rose from his chair and came towards her.In appearance, he thought, she did not resemble


Anonymous said...

lotus flower painting"

Anonymous said...

lotus flower painting"

Anonymous said...

"lotus flower painting"