Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Sweet Rose painting

Upon my soul and body, this here stooping do fairly make my back open and shut!' he exclaimed, straightening himself slowly with an excruciated look till quite upright. `And you, maidy Tess, you wasn't well a day or two ago - this will make your head ache finely! Don't do any more, if you feel fainty; leave the rest to finish it.' ¡¡¡¡Dairyman Crick withdrew, and Tess dropped behind. Mr Clare also stepped out of line, and began privateering about for the weed. When she found him near her, her very tension at what she had heard the night before made her the first to speak. ¡¡¡¡`Don't they look pretty?' she said. ¡¡¡¡`Who?' ¡¡¡¡`Izzy Huett and Retty.' ¡¡¡¡Tess had moodily decided that either of these maidens would make a good farmer's wife, and that she ought to recommend them, and obscure her own wretched charms. ¡¡¡¡`Pretty? Well, yes - they are pretty girls - fresh looking. I have often thought so.' ¡¡¡¡`Though, poor dears, prettiness won't last long!' ¡¡¡¡`O no, unfortunately.'


Anonymous said...

My Sweet Rose painting"

Anonymous said...

My Sweet Rose painting"

Anonymous said...

"My Sweet Rose painting"

Anonymous said...

"My Sweet Rose painting"