Friday, November 2, 2007

The Painter's Honeymoon

The Painter's Honeymoon
the polish rider
The Sacrifice of Abraham painting
The Three Ages of Woman
The half dozen troops milling around the entrance to the power trench were moreinterested in discussing the peculiar disturbance in the detention block than in payingattention to their present boring duty. So engrossed were they in speculation as tothe cause of the trouble that they failed to notice the fey wraith behind them. Itmoved from shadow to shadow like a night-stalking ferret, freezing when one of thetroopers seemed to turn slightly in its direction, moving on again as if walking on air. Several minutes later one of the troopers frowned inside his armor, turning towhere he thought he had sensed a movement near the opening to the main passageway.There was nothing but an undefinable something, which the ghost-like Kenobi hadleft behind. Acutely uncomfortable yet understandably unwilling to confess tohallucinations, the trooper turned back to the more prosaic conversation of his fellows. Someone finally discovered the two unconscious guards tied in the service lockerson board the captured freighter. Both men remained comatose despite all efforts torevive them. Under the direction of several bickering officers, troopers carried their twoarmorless comrades down the ramp and toward the nearest hospital bay. On the waythey passed two forms hidden by a small opened service panel. Threepio and Artoowent unnoticed, despite their proximity to the hangar.


Anonymous said...

The Painter's Honeymoon"

Anonymous said...

The Painter's Honeymoon"

Anonymous said...

"The Painter's Honeymoon"