Friday, November 16, 2007

painting flower pot

Quite frankly you haven't got a leg to stand upon, Freddie," he wassaying. "Not with those letters you've written."
  "You don't think –”Freddie murmured dejectedly.
  "No, I don't,"said Egerton. "The only hope is to settleout of court. It might even be held that you've renderedyourself liable to criminal prosecution."
  "Oh, look here, Richard, that's carrying things a bit far."
  There was a small discreet buzz on Egerton's desk. He picked up the telephone receiver with a frown.
  "I though I said I wasn't to be disturbed."
  There was a murmur at the other end. Egerton said, "Oh. Yes – Yes, I see. Ask her to wait, will you."
  He replaced the receiver and turned once more to hisunhappy looking client.
  "Look here, Freddie," hesaid, "I know the law and you don't.You're in a nasty jam. I'll do mybest to get you out of it, but it's going to cost you a bit. Idoubt it they'd settle for less than twelve thousand."


Anonymous said...

painting flower pot"

Anonymous said...

painting flower pot"

Anonymous said...

"painting flower pot"