Sunday, November 4, 2007

virgin of the rocks

He dismounted his Tauntaun, then glanced around to watch the activity takingplace inside the mammoth cave. Wherever he looked he saw things being carried,assembled, or repaired. Rebels in gray uniforms rushed to unload supplies andadjust equipment. And there were robots, mostly R2 units and power droids, thatseemed to be everywhere, rolling or walking through the ice corridors, efficientlyperforming their innumerable tasks. Han was beginning to wonder if he were mellowing with age. At first he hadhad no personal interest in or loyalty to this whole Rebel affair. His ultimateinvolvement in the conflict between Empire and Rebel Alliance began as a merebusiness transaction, selling his services and use of his ship, the Millennium Falcon.The job had seemed simple enough: Just pilot Ben Kenobi, plus young Luke andtwo droids, to the Alderaan system. How could Han have known at the time that hewould also be called on to rescue a princess from the Empire's most feared battlestation, the Death Star?


Anonymous said...

"virgin of the rocks"

Anonymous said...

"virgin of the rocks"

Anonymous said...

"virgin of the rocks"

Anonymous said...

"virgin of the rocks"