Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Water lily Pond

eyes and began to disengage herself from Han's embrace. In the next second sheturned and rushed from the cabin. Han silently looked after her as she left the room. He then became acutelyaware of the very curious Wookiee whose head was poking from the ceiling. "Okay, Chewie!" he bellowed. "Give me a hand with this valve." The fog, dispersed by a torrent of rain, snaked around the swamp in diaphanousswirls. Scooting along amid the pounding rain was a single R2 droid looking for hismaster. Artoo-Detoo's sensing devices were busily sending impulses to his electronicnerve ends. At the slightest sound, his auditory systems reacted—perhapsoverreacted—and sent information to the robot's nervous computer brain. It was too wet for Artoo in this murky jungle. He aimed his optical sensors inthe direction of a strange little mud house on the edge of a dark lake. The robot,


Anonymous said...

The Water lily Pond"

Anonymous said...

The Water lily Pond"