Monday, January 28, 2008

leonardo da vinci mona lisa

leonardo da vinci mona lisa
da vinci painting
mona lisa painting
thomas kinkade painting
If only he had left some clue,"I murmured. "Yes,the clue-it is always the clue that attracts you.Alas that he didnot smoke the cigarette and leave the ash,and then step in it with a showthat has nails of a curious pattern.No-he is not so obliging.But at least,my friend,you have the railway guide.The A B C,that is a clue for you!" "Do you think he left it by mistake then? "Of course not.He left it on purpose.The fingerprints tell us that." "But there weren't any on it." "That is what I mean.What was yesterday evening?A warm June night.
oil paintings
Does aman stroll about on such an evening in gloves?Such a man would certainlyhave attracted attention.Therefore since there are no fingerprints on the AB C,it must have been carefully wiped.An innocent man would have leftprints-a guilty man would not.So our murderer left it there for apurpose-but for all that it is none the less a clue.That A B C was bought bysomeone-it was carried by someone-there is a possibility there."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

leonardo da vinci mona lisa"