Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ford Madox Brown The Coat of Many Colors

got up.
Will leaned forward and snatched the alethiometer from the little table, thrust it into his pocket, and darted back through the window. As soon as he was on the grass in Cittagazze he felt in the air for those elusive edges, calming his mind, breathing slowly, conscious all the time that only feet away there was horrible danger.
Then came a withdrawn just in time. That gave Will the moment he needed to seize the edges of the window and press them shut.
His own world had vanished, and he was alone in the moonlit parkland in Cittagazze, panting and trembling and horribly frightened.
But now there was Lyra to rescue. He ran back to the first windowscreech, not human, not animal, but worse than either, and he knew it was that loathsome monkey. By that time he'd gotten most of the window closed, but there was still a small gap at the level of his chest. And then he leaped back, because into that gap there came a small furry golden hand with black fingernails, and then a face—a nightmare face. The golden monkey's teeth were bared, his eyes glaring, and such a concentrated malevolence blazed from him that Will felt it almost like a spear.Another second and he would have been through, and that would have been the end. But Will was still holding the knife, and he brought it up at once and slashed left, right, across the monkey's face—or where the face would have been if the monkey hadn't

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