Sunday, January 27, 2008

leonardo da vinci mona lisa

Come,Hastings,there is nothing for us here." When we were once more in the street,he hesitated for a minute or two,then crossed the road.Almost exactly opposite Mrs Ascher's was agreengrocer's shop-of the type that has most of its stock outside ratherthan inside. In a low voice Poirot gave me certain instructions. Then he himself entered the shop.After waiting a minute or two Ifollowed him in.He was at the moment negotiating for a lettuce.I myselfbought a pound of strawberries. Poirot was talking animatedly to the stout lady who was serving him.

"It was just opposite you,was it not,that this murder occurred?What anaffair!What a sensation it must have caused you!" The stout lady was obviously tired of talking about the murder.She musthave had a long day of it.Shen observed""It would be as well if some of thatgaping crowd cleared off.What is there to look at,I'd like to know?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

leonardo da vinci mona lisa"