Sunday, January 4, 2009

Andy Warhol dollar sign black and yellow on red painting

The Children at once knew the dear cow in the orchard, the watch-dog at the door, the blackbird in his wicker cage; and everything was steeped in a pale light and a warm and balmy air.
Tyltyl and Mytyl stood amazed. So that was the Land of Memory! What lovely weather it was! And how nice it felt to be there! who are still alive are coming to see us to-day."
And Gaffer Tyl answered:
"They are certainly thinking of us, for I feel anyhow and I have pins and needles in my legs."
"I think they must be quite near," said Granny, "for I see tears of joy dancing before my eyes and..." They at once made up their minds to come back often, now that they knew the way. But how great and they saw, at a few steps from them, Grandad and Granny sitting on a bench, sound asleep. They clapped their hands and called out gleefully: "It's Grandad! It's Granny!... There they are! There they are!" But they were a little scared by this great piece of magic and dared not move from behind the tree; and they stood looking at the dear old couple, who woke up gently and slowly under their eyes. Then they heard Granny Tyl's quavering voice say: "I have a notion that our grandchildren

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