Friday, November 16, 2007

modern landscape painting

He walked slowly along the street carrying his bagand revolving perplexities in his mind. When at last he had worked out to his satisfactionthe various reasons for which he had made a mistake in the day, he shook his head sadly.
  "Now, I suppose," hesaid to himself, "I suppose – letme see, it's after nine o'clock,yes, I suppose I had better have something to eat."
  It was curious, he thought, that he did not feelhungry.
  Wandering disconsolately along the Cromwell Road hefinally settled upon a small restaurant which served Indian curries. It seemed to him thatthough he was not quite as hungry as he ought to be, he had better kept his spirits up byhaving a meal, and after that he must find a hotel and – butno, there was no need to do that. He had a hotel! Of course. He was staying at Bertram's; and had reserved his room for four days. What a piece of luck! What asplendid piece of luck! So his room was there, waiting for him. He had only to ask for hiskey at the desk and – here another reminiscence assailed him.Something heavy in his pocket?


Anonymous said...

modern landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

modern landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

"modern landscape painting"